MA project  

Posted by Nicole in

Hello everyone! I started working on my animation project for this year. Check A lot of things need to be done and you really could help me a lot by giving me some feedback once in a while. Just let me know what you think. Thanx!

I'm quite busy now with a lot of things. I've had some lectures at school now and I still had to arrange some things. This week was pretty though but I'm so happy that Maart comes to visit me this Sunday! I miss him a lot.

Well I'm back to work.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 9 at 1:04 PM and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Hehehe wat lief filmpje <3
Je bent sowieso gaaf voor de lieve hoek. Wordt het lief? Wordt het cup cake suikerhartjes omaatjes met kleine mopshondjes lief? Ja? JA?

Alles goed verder? Ik ben een msn faalhoofd dus ik wil je gewoon eens een keertje een leuke brief schrijven. Vast heel leuk dat Maarten daar nu is :)

Anyway, do you or other people mind me writing in dutch? Because, yeah, you do have an english blog but my english is absolutely some strange language nobody can identify as being english, so. Hmm.

Jezusje. Nee, niet jezusje, je zusje.

October 14, 2008 at 10:50 PM

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